New Year Goals

2022 is just around the corner! Have you made your New Year Resolutions? Have you set your goals for next year? Did you accomplish the goals you set for 2021? Strada studies have shown that most people give up on New Year Resolutions by January 18th! I believe there are several  reasons they do!  One key reason is you that you do it alone! You are 80% more likely to achieve your goals with accountability. Masterpiece Women are here for you!

Here are some of the other reasons people fail to accomplish their goals:

1. Our mindset isn't right! If we set goals in a place of negativity, we set goals with a scarcity mindset.I am going to encourage you to get your mindset right before you do! Remember the truths we have spoken of! You are a Masterpiece! God has given you everything you need to succeed! We need to believe the truths God says about us. I attached the scriptures to stand on.  Biblical Truths Download now I believe we need to give ourselves God size goals. Ask Him to give you the goals and direction for the year!

2. We set goals and do not take steps to intentionally change our habits!  We must change our habits in order to accomplish the desired outcomes. What does it take to change habits? Intentionality... We must pay attention to our subconscious thoughts and behaviours. Be the architect of your day. For instance, if you want to go for a run every morning, put your clothes out by your bed at night so in the AM you see them first. Do you want to eat more vegetables? Put the vegetables (cleaned and cut) in the front of the refrigerator and take cut vegetables with you to the office instead of crackers etc... Do you want to accomplish more at work? Plan for the next day by leaving a list at your desk for tomorrow. Planning ahead is key. Be the architect of your schedule.

3. We do not give ourselves specific goals For example, if I say I want to lose weight, that is great but it isn't measurable. So a better goal is: I want to lose 2 pounds per week by decreasing fried foods as well as eliminating flour and sugar in my diet.  I will go to the gym 4 days per week for at least one hour each time. Studies show that measurable outcomes are key. What are your goals?

4. Measure your outcomes. When it comes to achieving goals, I believe  it is imperative to evaluate your outcomes daily. Be sure to cut yourself some slack if you fail one day. Ask yourself "how can I do it better tomorrow" and make a plan. Again, be the architect of your day! I have several daily and weekly tools I use. I will upload them in the membership portal for you.

Make 2022 your best year yet!

Have you joined our Masterpiece Women Membership Our first Q & A will be January 5, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST for members only. We will also be launching Think and Grow Rich with a biblical application in January (included free with the membership)  Are you joining us?

Our January & February luncheons are  ready for registration. We are so excited to see you on January 20, 2021 at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in the South Banquet hall. Notice, we added tables of 8 for those of you that would like to invite your guests and have your name on your table. 

See you soon!

Much love,

Tina Rains

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