Jessica Yarbrough and Tina Rains | Book High Ticket Clients


Masterpiece Women is excited to have Jessica Yarbrough!
Our guest Jessica Yarbrough has a background in Business and a wealth of advice for all of us. She built
her International Multi-Million Dollar Business from the ground up. She enjoys helping people step into owning their worth and understanding also how to market and position themselves to be experts in their category and make a huge impact.

As a business leader, she works with both Men and Women. Her focus now is on people who worked in the corporate world and want to launch their business. She works with Coaches, Consultants, some agency owners, and people who have the expertise and want to market individuals or organizations.

Jessica Discusses her practical advice to work on mindset change in order to bring high-end clients. She recommends we all get a coach because we are blind to our brilliance. This is more challenging for women than men. There are many ways to sell high-end. You must go after a bleeding problem and your solution becomes the tourniquet.
The best way to overcome and prove to yourself limiting beliefs is to prove to your subconscious mind
that those thoughts are not real.

In her conversation with Masterpiece Women, she explains more detail the following questions:
 How to find high-end clients and the best business platform to use?
 How to encourage your clients to scale and regain their time freedom to do what they are passionate about?
 What are the key strategies to prevent being a solopreneur?
 How to build your credibility?

How Jessica applies Authenticity is about showing up and being transparent daily to your clients. A valuable piece of advice, she learned early on in life is to own her worth!

Masterpiece Women invites you to be part of our membership. Our membership is focused on building leaders and business God’s Way. We have a Women's retreat coming up in October 2022 and would love to see you there! Please visit our website for more details

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