The Study of Exodus with Tina Rains - Chapters 37-40


Welcome back, Masterpiece Women. Today’s podcast is the last in this series of the study of Exodus. What an incredible book this is to study. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. There has been so much rich content. Don't you love how you can read things in the Bible many times and yet God will reveal different things each time depending on the season and whatever it is that he would like for you to receive from it? This study has been incredible for me. I hope you experienced the same. There were so many leadership lessons to learn. In chapters 37 through 40 we see the building of the ark of the covenant, table, lampstand, incense altar, the altar of burnt offering, the washbasin, and courtyard. we see the incredible inventory of materials that were used. We also see the clothing of the priests as well as the set-up of the Tabernacle. There were so many details and so much material used. Think about where they received the materials from. Do you remember earlier in Exodus when the Egyptians gave them so many of their valuables just to get rid of the Israelites? It is amazing to watch what God will use to accomplish His goals. I literally just got off the phone today with a dear friend of mine, Kimberly Bradley. She and I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro together in 2012. She shared how God has called her and her family to move to Malawi Africa to serve the people there as missionaries. It is incredible to me to think of all the details that have gone into the last 10 years alone of planning for this move. 

You see the organization that she and her husband will be serving under is an organization led by a mutual friend of ours who was on our team when we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. It is a beautiful picture of how God orchestrates every detail and works everything out for his glory for those who love him. It also takes our obedience. This month, our mutual friend who was on our Kilimanjaro team, was in the country. She and her husband worked with me when I lead the freedom climb movement. A movement where we climbed crazy mountains like Mt. Kilimanjaro, (twice), base camp Everest, and many other mountains to raise awareness and funds for projects around the world addressing human trafficking and oppression of women and children. She was the leader of the Africa movement, and I was the leader of the US and partnered with Cathey Anderson to lead the entire global initiative. I was blessed to spend time with them when they were in South Florida. It was so exciting to visit with my friend Suria and her husband as they shared the vision of their mission organization and we dreamed of how masterpiece women are going to collaborate with them. 

During their trip, they also went to Tennessee and met with our other friend that I just spoke to today, Kimberly. Kimberly happened to be one of the first friends I reached out to when I left the freedom climb movement.  Kimberly was the first person to tell me that I should start my own ministry. At the time, I was a bit burned out with ministry and said: “absolutely not”. However, she and I dreamed about a name, and I purchased the websites for “Masterpiece Women” having a tug in my spirit to do so, but not ready in my flesh. God had already given me the scripture Ephesians 2:10 years before so I knew exactly what I would call it. Fast forward, my two girlfriends are making plans to make a huge impact in the country of Malawi, and Masterpiece Women will also be a part of that. 

God has been planting seeds and calling Kimberly and her husband Steve to go out into the mission field full-time in Africa for years. He is doing his doctoral dissertation on the country. She was sharing all the details of how God had been calling them. Looking back and seeing how God developed those deep roots and relationships when the three of us were on the same team at Mount Kilimanjaro and how He has continued to link us for His purpose is incredible to me. I think about how the Lord orchestrated that whole thing and all the steps in between that He has put in place for such a time as this. We simply have the privilege of being a part of it because we choose to be obedient. I do not doubt for a minute He would have used somebody else had we not been. He is sovereign. I'm simply blessed beyond words to be a part of what the Lord is doing. Moses was used by God because he was obedient. Moses was blessed beyond measure because of his obedience. It wasn't always easy for Moses as we see the difficulties throughout this entire book. He could have given up. He chose to pursue God, and defend the people he was serving, and God used him incredibly.

In chapter 40 we see how Moses leads the set of the Tabernacle exactly as the Lord had instructed him to. What a beautiful picture of how the Lord once again showed up and was very explicit in His instructions to Moses and the people. We see Moses, the leader, following His instructions so explicitly. He follows every detail, and we see the blessings that the people receive from that obedience. At the end of chapter 40 we see that the Lord's glory fills the Tabernacle. 

Ladies as we close this study and conclude the book of exodus, I want to challenge you. What instructions has God given you that you have not followed? How is he calling you to pivot or simply continue to step forward? Are you being obedient to every detail? Are you taking the time to spend with Him to hear His instructions? I want to encourage you to go back and study what the Lord has shown you throughout this time. Be sure you are journaling so that you can go back and see all that God is doing in your life. He reveals himself so incredibly in his word and in our journaling. Be blessed ladies! Jesus loves you and so do I!

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