Lisa May and Tina Rains | Habits

Lisa May serves as Executive Director of Live the Life South Florida with a mission of strengthening marriages and families through healthy relationship education beginning in middle school through senior adults. She has been involved in the non-profit communities since 1996 serving as a board member, Director of Marketing Development, Major Gifts Officer, and VP positions. Her background has been in fund development with an emphasis on marriage and family, foster care, and pregnancy
centers but her life for the past 20 years, as a widow and single parent, has increased her passion for emotionally healthy, intact families with both Mom and Dad in the home.

Lisa met the love of her life in College and had 4 children. She lost her husband after 15 years of marriage.

What a journey she encountered after all this happened. God brought her to places she had never imagined. She faced many challenges as a single parent. This challenge promoted Lisa to start service with Live the Life.

Our relationship with Christ is the paramount and the foundation of everything and then that bleeds into our personal relationship. She mentions, what we are missing in our culture is the application of how to deal with relationships. At least 50% of us were raised by only one parent.

How to develop good communication skills? Part of the education process is the daily temperature reading: These are 7 touch points to have with people who are significant in your life. It requires you to be intentional.

We teach people that nothing changes until something changes!

The first touch point is expressing appreciation for our daily temperature reading. Gratitude changes everything.

Neuroscience has caught up with the Bible. A recent study shows 5 minutes a day of Gratitude increases your dopamine and serotonin levels to the point that over 6 months it increases your well-being by 10%. It has the same impact as someone doubling their income.

We need to voice appreciation to the people in our life.

We need to teach people how to love well. The things we focus on growing.
What would you advise women as leaders of their organization? Lisa recommends everyone should invest in a relationship education, class, or seminar at least once a year.

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