Masterpiece Women

Masterpiece Women

Hosted by: Tina Rains

Masterpiece Women is a movement of women focused on Authentic Community, Personal / Professional Growth and Impacting the World for Good. Our Membership is focused on building leaders and business God's Way! You are...

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Tina Rains and Andrea Anderson | Relieve & Realign: Eliminating hindrances to reignite your God-given calling in business

Andrea Anderson, The Business Detoxer™, is a certified Coach + Consultant specializing in empowering highly called Christian entrepreneurs to break free from business-related stress and achieve their God-given...
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Tina Rains and Kathleen Krueger | Freelancers, Go Clone Yourself!

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Tina Rains and Dr. Juli Slattery | From Dream to Calling

Masterpiece Women welcomes Dr. Juli Slattery! Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and the president/co-founder of Authentic Intimacy. In this blog, she shares the difference between a dream...
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Tina Rains and Kathy Gallowitz | Overcoming Anxiety

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Tina Rains | Find Joy

Joy is a feeling that we all long for in our lives. It's not just about being happy or having a positive outlook on life, but it's about finding contentment and satisfaction in everything we do. Joy is a gift that...
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Tina Rains | Law of Addition

The Law of Addition is one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, as outlined by John C. Maxwell. This law states that leaders add value by serving others. In other words, a leader's true worth is determined by how...
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Tina Rains | Adversity

We can impact the world for Christ. We are servant leaders made to His image. We deserve love and respect. Christian women are called to love and serve one another, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs. In fact,...
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Tina Rains | Overcoming Fear

Today we'll be discussing a topic that is close to the heart of many of us – Overcoming Fear. Fear is a powerful emotion that can keep us from achieving our goals and reaching our potential. But we can overcome it,...
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Tina Rains | Take Your Faith to the Marketplace

As we all know, our work is a significant part of our lives. It provides us with a sense of purpose, helps us to provide for our families, and contributes to the transformation, growth, and development of our...
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Tina Rains and Dena Patton | Growth Mindset

Dena Patton, A transformational speaker. Since 2001 Dena has coached thousands of world-changing entrepreneurs and leaders to build their businesses to new levels of impact and income. In the sea of business, coaches...
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Tina Rains and Dr. Theresa Pantanella | Community

  Dr. Theresa Pantanella, Woman of God, CEO, Founder, Women of Mastery and Faith, & Facebook Ads Expert.  After 24 years in healthcare, her life changed overnight. After an investigation by the FBI and serving 18...
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Tina Rains | Thriving Through Loss

Journey for the heart, a book written by Elizabeth Mitchell. She talks about loss and how she overcame the loss. I highly recommend this book to all of you, ladies. I often hear many women talk about their losses and...
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