The Study of Exodus with Tina Rains - Chapters 13 & 14


Wow, the plagues are over, and the Israelites are headed out of Egypt. They are headed out of captivity. In Chapter 13 verse 2 God tells Moses to “Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal.” Moses announced to them that from here forward they would celebrate their freedom each year by observing a ceremony in this month. For seven days they were to omit any yeast and on the 7th day, they were to hold a celebration. This would remind them and their ancestors of how God brought them out of Egypt and captivity.

I love how God knew them so well he lead them around the desert road in lieu of through the Philistines. He knew the people would encounter war if He took them through there. He knew the people might turn back. Their faith wasn’t as strong as Moses’ faith. The Lord also provided a cloud to guide them by day and a fire by night. It never left them. Isn’t that just like our Father? He knows us so well. He provides for us so generously. In return, He asks us just like He did the Israelites, to worship HIM.

In chapter 14 we see how God set up the Egyptians for destruction. He has the Israelites turn back and go to the edge of the sea. He knew this would confuse the pharaoh. He also hardened the pharaoh’s heart again. He set out to gain glory by defeating the Egyptians. He wanted the Egyptians as well as the Israelites to know “I am Lord”.

What about Pharaoh? How did he respond? When he heard they had fled, he changed his mind. He got his army of about 600 of his finest and headed out in pursuit of them. How did the Israelites respond? They doubted Moses and God didn’t they? They were terrified. They immediately believed they were going to die in the desert. I love how Moses responds in 14:14 NIV. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Sister, what are you going through today? Do you feel like the enemy is chasing you? Surrounding you? Rest in these chapters. God will deliver you to the land of milk and honey. You are His Beloved. Just like in this chapter as we see God part the sea, provide dry land and destroy the Egyptians, He will do the same for you. Simply rest in Him. Just like Moses, we have the power of the Holy Spirit! The visual we see of HIS POWER to fight our battles is profound. We just have to trust Him. (even when we don’t feel it or see it) He will part the seas. He will protect us. If He calls us, he will equip us, guide us and not leave us.

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