The Study of Exodus with Tina Rains - Chapters 17 & 18



Hi, ladies! We are reading Exodus chapters 17-18 today. There are some very valuable lessons on leadership in these books. We see in chapter 17 how God teaches his people to trust him more. In chapter 17 especially Exodus 17 verses 1-7 we see that they moved toward Mount Sinai and they're still being led by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. God is building their faith and their character. When we think about God permitting difficulties, we understand that they become either a test or a temptation that can make us worse, and it's our own attitude that determines which it will be. I love reading the John Maxwell Leadership Bible. Chapter 17 shows the rod of God and talks about how God's people received an important lesson on authority when they learned to trust God for their provision. Time and time again the Lord provided for their needs. He led them and he protected them. Moses learned to depend on God as the ultimate authority. One of the keys to Moses's greatness is the statement “Moses cried out to the Lord” in Exodus 17: 4 leaders earn their authority; Few individuals just give it to someone. God earned the trust of his people and earned his authority through several means.

  1. Production
  2. Protection
  3. Provision
  4. Problem Solving

As great leaders, we must do the same.

In verses 1-7, Moses is pleading with the Lord and asked Him what he should do.  The people were getting angrier with Moses. The Lord once again gives him explicit instructions. In verse 8 we see the Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites. Moses sends Joshua out. He, Aaron, and Hur go to the top of the hill with the staff. As long as Moses kept his hands up the Israelites won, when his hands would go down, the Amalekites would start winning. So, Hur and Aaron helped hold his arms up and the Amalekites were defeated. Sisters, this is how we should be for our fellow sisters. Hold up their arms. When they are struggling, help them. Sometimes all we need is someone to be there by our side to hold our arms up when we are tired and hurting. I know for me, when I was walking through my darkest season, it was my tribe of women around me that supported me, prayed for me, and loved me through it that gave me strength (second only to the Lord himself).

I love in chapter 18 how Jethro basically teaches Moses the law of the inner circle. He teaches him to delegate delegate delegate. As leaders, we must delegate to others. We must train others in the way they should go so that they can be effective leaders in our organizations. As a leader, we cannot be control freaks. We must delegate and trust those that we train up to lead well. Give them the opportunity to fail. They will fail and that is OK. We fail and that is OK. We learn every time. In chapter 18 I also believe that he is teaching us that the Lord deserves our praise. Praising God is so much better than complaining and looking for the negative. Sometimes that is difficult when we're going through those dry seasons. Have you ever thought about Jethro previously? Do you wonder how did he hear about the wonders that were taking place? When did Moses send his family to return home? In verses 7-8 we see that Jethro arrived. Moses respected him greatly. So, when he said to him that what you're doing is not working effectively, he listened. The nation had elders, but they weren't assisting with the day-to-day affairs. Jethro understood how critical it was for Moses to step out of the day-to-day affairs and move into a position of leadership. Moses created a system. He trained up leaders, delegated the duties, assisted them as needed, and only managed the most complicated cases. This freed him up to be the leader he was called to be. Moses didn't go to Jethro for advice on how to build the tabernacles or how to sacrifice. He went to God for that. God can use outsiders to advise us and lead us. God can use others to equip us to do the work he has called for us to do. The important thing about delegating is that it not only frees the leader up to manage the greater responsibilities, it also enables those that we are training up to grow in their faith and in their ability.

Lead well, ladies. Trust God and others.

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