Revelations in Business | Hosts: Dr. K. Shelette Stewart and Tina Rains


Masterpiece Women welcomes Dr. Shelette Stewart!

Tina Rains and Dr Stewart talk about the focus on creating a business or career plan based on God's plan for your life. What is God's Purpose and Plan for your life? Is it modeled in your business plan? Are you incorporating your faith at work? 

Dr. Stewart shares about conducting strategic planning for organizations such as Texas Instruments, Coca Cola Corporation and Chick Fil -A. She shares insights on how she leads programs with organizations of that magnitude. She also shares that our business should be treated as a ministry.

Dr. K. Shelette Stewart has over 20 years of leadership experience as a business practitioner and an academician with leading organizations including Harvard Business School, The Coca-Cola Company, and BellSouth / AT&T in strategic business planning, business development, and marketing. She is a Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program Specialist and holds a Doctorate in Business Administration.

A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Stewart is the founder and principal of Stewart Consulting, LLC, launched in 2007, with a mission of helping organizations with strategic planning and leadership development so that they drive performance, productivity, and profitability and ultimately achieve success and significance.

Dr. Stewart is also the author of Harvard Business School Cases and the award-winning book, Revelations in Business: Connecting Your Business Plan with God’s Purpose and Plan for Your Life© which has been formally endorsed by several industry leaders including Dan Cathy, Chairman of Chick-fil-A.

A highly sought-after international speaker, Dr. Stewart has served as the keynote speaker for many leading organizations including Harvard Business School, Texas Instruments, The Coca-Cola Company, Women’s Foodservice Forum, and Yunnan University in China. She served as the 2020 Commencement Speaker for Judson University and has also appeared as a guest on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Daystar Television Network – Marcus & Joni Lamb Show, and a host of other TV and podcast programs.

Dr. Stewart is among 50 women leaders, from over 100 countries, who received the prestigious Women Economic Forum 2020 “Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All” Award in New Delhi, India. She is the recipient of The YWCA of Greater Atlanta & The Coca-Cola Company Salute to Women of Achievement Award and her Board memberships include the International Alliance for Christian Education (IACE), the LEAD Program, and New Hope Compassion (NHC) for China. She is available for consulting and speaking engagements nationally and globally. Schedule an Appointment: [email protected].

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